Târgul „Handwerk & Design”

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Handwerk & Design, eveniment ce are loc încă din 2008, își propune să adune sub același acoperiș produse excepționale lucrate manual și cu un design aparte. Anul acesta evenimentul va avea loc în perioada 12-18 martie, la Munchen. În cadrul târgului, pe lângă expozanții prezenți, au loc și o serie de expoziții și competiții – Exempla, Schmuck, Talente și Meister der Moderne. Dintre acestea, cea mai cunoscută este competiția Schmuck la care participă anul acesta 66 de  designeri din 25 de țări. Revista Atelierul va fi prezentă la acest eveniment, în calitate de reprezentanți media, unde vom avea ocazia să descoperim noile trenduri internaționale în materie de design al bijuteriilor.

Mai jos puteți citi mai multe despre competiție, în comunicatul de presă lansat de organizatorii târgului.

Meeting Point SCHMUCK

Diverse materials, bright colours, and a penchant for mysticism. These are some of the characteristic features of SCHMUCK 2014 in Munich. The renowned special exhibition as part of the «Handwerk & Design» at the Internationale Handwerksmesse displays exhibits by 66 jewellery designers from 25 countries. From 12th to 18th March 2014, it is the meeting point for the worldwide jewellery scene and origin of new trends of contemporary jewellery design.
Munich – Finds of metal and wood, objects that show clear traces of usage, shapes and structures that remind us of architecture, masks, a penchant for mysticism, and a clear colourfulness. For Jorunn Veiteberg, these are trends of contemporary jewellery design – and, therefore, themes of SCHMUCK 2014. Veiteberg, a Norwegian art historian from Copenhagen, culture journalist, and chairman of Norwegian handicraft, has chosen the exhibits for the upcoming special exhibition as curator. In total, 66 participants from 25 countries are invited, of which 25 designers will take part in the special exhibition for the first time. Most of the goldsmiths come from the Netherlands, Japan, Australia, Denmark, Sweden, and Germany.

handwerk and design

Organised as an internationally advertised competition, the special exhibition SCHMUCK is of global importance for contemporary jewellery design. Goldsmiths and jewellery designers from all around the globe apply every year to display their exhibits in Munich. This year, more than 552 goldsmiths from 43 countries submitted pictures of their pieces. Impressive: The high number of young artists who, partly, have not finished or just recently finished their goldsmith apprenticeship. ‟They regard SCHMUCK as a chance to present themselves to professionals, gallery owners, and museum curators, as well as to find their way into the international jewellery avant-garde”, the organiser of the special exhibition Wolfgang Lösche, from the Chamber of Trades and Crafts for Munich and Upper Bavaria, explains. After all, the special exhibition is an important platform for making a name for oneself among international goldsmiths and to establish important contacts.

For curator Jorunn Veiteberg, the many applications from numerous countries outside of Europe are an especially great enrichment. And: ‟It was a great honour making the selection for SCHMUCK.” Besides the exhibits chosen by her, a modern classic is honoured at the special exhibition from 12th to 18th March again. This year, it is the goldsmith Dorothea Prühl from Halle. The teacher at the art college Burg Giebichenstein ‟has shaped an entire generation of young jewellery designers” and, moreover, ‟has created an admirable, independent piece that is of special importance within contemporary jewellery design”, which is the reason why she was chosen.

The awarding of three of the exhibiting artists with the Herbert-Hofmann-Award is the highlight of SCHMUCK. It takes place at the Internationale Handwerksmesse on Saturday, 15th March 2014.

More information about the trade show and its special exhibitions can be found on the internet at www.ihm-handwerk-design.com.



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