Tendence 2014

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Tendence este una dintre cele mai importante platforme pentru prezentarea produselor de larg consum, care loc în cea de-a doua parte de anului. Gama de produse prezentate la acest târg este diversă și relevantă pentru toate canalele de distribuție. Sunt produse inovative, creative, simple, practice sau decorative, produse aliniate celor mai noi trenduri. Pentru domeniul retail, Tendence este platforma principală pentru comenzi pentru cea mai ocupată perioadă din an – perioada sărbătorilor de iarnă, iar cumpărătorii pot descoperi aici și produse create conform trendurilor sezoanelor viitoare (primăvară-vară 2015).

Târgul are loc în perioada 30 august – 2 septembrie 2014, în Frankfurt am Main, Germania. Tendence este un târg important în domeniul produselor de larg consum din Europa, fiind locul în care se întâlnesc buyeri cu putere de decizie și furnizori de produse de calitate pentru comenzi și inspirație.

Tendence este un spațiu important și pentru designul și artizanatul contemporan, în cadrul târgului acordându-se premiul  Hessian State Award for German Arts & Crafts produselor deosebite din punct de vedere artistic și al realizării. Tot în cadrul târgului în spațiul ‘Modern Crafts’ Talents se oferă ocazia tinerilor artiști și proaspăt absolvenți ai școlilor de artă și design să se promoveze, să intre în contact și să creeze posibile colaborări cu reprezentanții industriei bunurilor de larg consum.

Una dintre principalele atracții printre vizitatorii târgului este workshopul Window-dressing live, creat special pentru retaileri. În cadrul acestuia, vizitatorii pot descoperi cum să transforme vitrinele magazinelor în spații atragătoare și inovative, care vor atrage și fedeliza cumpărătorii.

Și anul acesta, paralel cu Tendence, are loc și târgul Ecostyle – o platformă dedicată produselor special create pentru un stil de viață orientat către durabilitate.


Mai jos puteți afla mai multe despre târgul Tendence:

Tendence (30 August to 2 September 2014) is the one of Europe’s most important order platforms for consumer goods in the second half of the year. The range of products to be seen covers all levels of quality and is relevant for all channels of distribution. For the retail trade, Tendence is the decisive order platform for the busy Christmas and winter business while bulk buyers can obtain an initial overview of new products for the coming spring and summer season, 2015. As previously, the Ecostyle and Webchance fairs will be held concurrently with Tendence 2014.

Value added: contemporary arts & crafts, promotional programmes for young designers and window-dressing workshops

Tendence in Frankfurt am Main will once again open the busy autumn, winter and Christmas season from 30 August to 2 September 2014. As one of the most important order venues for the consumer-goods sector in the second half of the year, Tendence gives the retail trade the chance to place last-minute orders for Christmas at the same time as offering an initial preview of the 2015 spring and summer collections. “Tendence holds a firm place in the European trade-fair calendar as an order and inspiration platform. With its clear focus on the European consumer-goods sector – especially East Europe and Scandinavia – it brings together buyers with decision-making authority and professional suppliers at the perfect time”, says Nicolette Naumann, Vice President Ambiente/Tendence.
With a huge spectrum of new products and popular classics in six exhibition halls, numerous renowned brands and international key players cover the subjects of living and giving in their entirety.


Tendence 2014: the platform for contemporary arts & crafts

Year in, year out, Tendence is an important presentation platform for contemporary arts & crafts. The ‘Form’ exhibition shows judged industrial and artisan projects made by Tendence exhibitors, which are distinguished by particularly high quality and a wealth of ideas. The Hessian State Award for German Arts & Crafts will also be presented again at Tendence. Germany’s oldest state award, it was donated by Hessian Minister President Georg August Zinn at the suggestion of the Hessian Arts & Crafts Association (Kunsthandwerk Hessen e. V.) in 1951. This year, this promotional award for products distinguished by outstanding artistic and hand-crafted features will be given for the 64th time.

The ‘Modern Crafts’ Talents area promotes young arts & crafts and gives students and graduates from the fields of applied arts and design an unrivalled opportunity to make contacts to representatives of trade and industry. The creative talents are curated by MAK (Museum for Applied Art, Frankfurt) and the German Arts & Crafts Association (Bundesverband


Custom-made programmes for young designers and start-ups

Tendence visitors will find another Talents area focusing on jewellery in the Carat product segment. The Next programme for young design talents is aimed at start-ups that have already been able to gain initial business experience in the sector and can be found at two locations: in Hall 9.2 where the focus is on personal accessories and in Hall 9.3 where everything revolves around jewellery.


Practical tips for the retail trade: Window-dressing live

The workshop ‘Window-dressing live’ offers dealers valuable hints and ideas on shop-window and in-store decoration. Over the past two years, the event has developed into a real crowd-puller. In Hall 9.2, interested visitors can find out exactly what is important when it comes to the topic of shop-window and in-store decoration, in order to attract new customers and to inspire existing customers with a long-term enthusiasm for their shop. The workshop will be presented by visual merchandising trainer and book author Karin Wahl.

Parallel to Tendence: Ecostyle – The world of green products

Following last year’s successful première, Ecostyle, a trade fair for sustainable consumer-goods, will also be held parallel to this year’s Tendence. On all four days of the fair, trade visitors can order ecologically-oriented lifestyle and designer products.

Sursă imagini: messefrankfurt.com



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