Handwerk&Design: design contemporan, artizana...

Handwerk&Design: design contemporan, artizanat, excelenţă

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Ne pregătim pentru vizita la noua ediţie a târgului Handwerk & Design, care va avea loc la München, în perioada 11 – 17 martie 2015. Pe durata evenimentului, capitala bavareză va găzdui designeri, artizani, oameni creativi, curatori şi colecţionari din întrega lume.

Schmuck ihm

Gigi Mariani, Italia, Parallel Worlds, Inel, Foto: Paolo Terzi / Asami Watanabe, Japonia, The Insides, Broşă, Foto: Asami Watanabe / Maria Diaz Serrat, Spania, Hibernation, Pendant, Foto Aina de Gispe

În cadrul târgului vor fi prezentate numeroase creaţii, instalaţii şi concepte în cadrul expoziţiilor:

  • SCHMUCK – o expoziţie de bijuterie contemporană internaţională, cu tradiţie de peste 50 de ani în München. Expoziţia aduce la un loc designeri de renume, dar şi creatori aflaţi la început de drum, colecţionari, curatori ai muzeelor din Germania şi iubitorii de bijuterie contemporană. Organizată sub forma unei competiţii, creaţiile participante sunt alese de un curator de renume (anul acesta Eva Eisler, profesoară la Academia de Arte din Praga). Expoziţia, într-un fel echivalentul Oscarului pentru bijuterie contemporană, are ca principală atracţie acordarea premiului Herbert-Hofmann, în data de 14 martie, pentru trei piese excepţionale, alese din cele expuse.
  • TALENTE – este un show creat sub forma unei competiţii, în cadrul căreia sunt recunoscute creaţiile cele mai deosebite ale creatorilor la început de drum din domeniul designului şi ingineriei. Aici vor fi prezentate prototipuri şi trenduri din diferite arii ale designului, iar creaţiile cele mai deosebite vor fi premiate.
  • EXEMPLA – în cadrul acestei secţiuni sunt invitaţi artizanii cu renume, premiaţi cu diverse ocazii pentru munca, creativitatea şi viziunea lor. Invitaţii vor demonstra în cadrul expoziţiei procesul lor de creaţie,  spre încântarea vizitatorilor.
  • MEISTER DER MODERNE – în cadrul acestei expoziţii va fi prezentată o colecţie de 29 de creaţii a celor mai buni designeri şi artizani contemporani internaţionali.  Anul acesta, accentul este pus pe lucrări din sticlă, din Marea Britanie, dar vor fi prezente şi creaţii excepţional realizate din categoriile: ceramică, bijuterie, metal, hârtie, lemn şi textile.


TALENTE, EXEMPLA, MEISTER DER MODERNE and SCHMUCK – the special international exhibitions of the «Handwerk & Design» at the Internationale Handwerksmesse draw numerous guests to Munich every year. That way the Bavarian capital becomes the meeting place for artists and craftsmen, designers and creative folks, curators and collectors from all over the world each spring. The «Handwerk & Design» takes place from 11 – 17 March 2015 in Hall B1 at the fairground Messe München.

The SCHMUCK  is an international exhibition that has been taking place in Munich for more than 50 years. It combines works of established artists and promising newcomers in the area of contemporary jewellery design and is the meeting place for collectors, jewellery lovers and museum curators from Germany and abroad.

Organized as a worldwide contest, the works are chosen by an internationally renowned curator each year, this time by Eva Eisler, professor at the Prague Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design (AAAD). “Presenting works at the SCHMUCK is an honor for any jewellery designer“, says Dieter Dohr, Management Board Chairman of the GHM Gesellschaft für Handwerksmessen mbH. That is also why this time, more than 600 gold smiths and jewellery designers from Germany and abroad applied for the special show. In spring 2015, contributions by 63 artists from 21 countries will finally be on display. This time, Karel Nowak from the Czech Republic will be honored as the classic of modern art. Highlight of the SCHMUCK will be the awarding of the Herbert-Hofmann-prizes on Saturday, 14 March 2015 at 5 pm on stage in hall B1. On this day, a jury will select the three best works of the SCHMUCK. Each year, a number of accompanying events group around the special show at the Internationale Handwerksmesse in Munich galleries, museums and cultural institutes.

The special show TALENTE  is an international competition for young craftsmen in design and engineering that shows prototypes and trends from different areas of design. Works of craftsmen and designers from 32 countries of all five continents are presented. Among others, there will be participants from Ghana, Iran, Cuba, Lebanon and Mexico for the first time. Glass, ceramics and textile belong to the areas of focus 2015. That way, for example a bicycle helmet made out of so-called pneumatic rope will be on display. Vented, the material is soft and flexible; filled with air it becomes stable and very hard, so that it can be used as a head protector. In the area of furniture, the young designers deal with the relationship of traditional handicraft and today’s technical possibilities in their works and use the advantages of both sides. Altogether, 99 designers will present their works. The best ones will be honored on Saturday, 14 March with the TALENTE-prizes at 4:30 pm on stage in Hall B1.

An exclusive circle of specialists, artists and collectors from all over Germany and beyond is among the visitors of the special show MEISTER DER MODERNE. It shows a selection of the best works of internationally renowned contemporary craftsmen and artists. This year, one focus lies on glass works from Great Britain, including vessels by Layne Rowe as well as works by Edmond Byrne, Sally Fawkes, Richard Jackson and Louis Thompson. Besides the contributions made of glass, there will be exhibits from the areas of ceramics, jewellery and device, metal, paper, textile and wood. The exhibitors of the special show are regularly honored with the Sate of Bavaria’s award for special achievements in handicraft. This year MEISTER DER MODERNE will show works of 29 craftsmen and women and artists from seven countries.

The biggest special show at «Handwerk & Design» is EXEMPLA that will carry the title “Forum der Meister“ in 2015. This time, craft businesses that belong to the leading protagonists of the industry and have been honored multiple times with (international) prizes will be among the guests. Among others, the current German champion at making ice cream, Adriano Colle from Kempten that will excite the fair audience with his creations, will be a guest. Laurenz Stockner deals with very different temperatures. The multiply honored blacksmith from South Tirol will make some of his extremely thinly forged copper bowls at the fair. Plasterer Sebastian Rost from Berlin will also demonstrate his skills live. During the time of the fair, he will restore a large plaster model of the Berlin dome in a self-constructed show shop. The audience can become active themselves at a climbing cube from the carpentry shop Tretter from Lenggries that is equipped with handles of the company skyroof from Geretsried.

Besides the four large special shows, international galleries, academies and design schools as well as more than 150 exhibitors from the areas crafts, art handicrafts and design will present themselves at «Handwerk & Design». On stage fashion shows, presentations and background conversations will take place daily. You can find more information and tickets on presale on the internet at

 About Handwerk & Design

As part of the Internationale Handwerksmesse the «Handwerk & Design» arose in 2008. The idea behind it was to combine outstanding performances in crafts, art handicrafts and design at the Internationale Handwerksmesse. During the Internationale Handwerksmesse everything is about the incorporation of craftsmanship and good design in hall B1 on the fairground Messe München. The «Handwerk & Design» is made up of numerous special shows such as EXEMPLA, SCHMUCK, TALENTE or MEISTER DER MODERNE. You can find further information at



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