Review: The White Night for Product Creators and D...

Review: The White Night for Product Creators and Designers

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After posting various topics related to the project The White Night for Product Creators and Designers in the pages of Atelierul– since this project is one of the most important annual events in Romania – it is time for us to look back and present a few summarizing lines about its fourth edition.

Financed by the Administration of the National Cultural Fund, the project The White Night for Product Creators and Designers was run by the team members of the association Atelierul de Creație and coordinated by Mihaela Ion and Teodora Vlădescu. It took place in October and addressed to the public from three cities: Cluj-Napoca (on October 17th), Bucharest (on October 24th) and Timișoara (on October 31st). The project ended with the launch of the exhibition’s trilingual catalogue

Or you can download it from here: [ddownload id=”43333″] click on the „Descarcă” button.

What did The White Night for Product Creators and Designers mean?

Apart from names and numbers, The White Night for Product Creators and Designers has answered in the last four years to the needs that the community of designers and product creators from Romania has signaled. The advantages of those who choose to participate, are multiple and include:

  • Networking and diversity

As in previous years, The White Night for Product Creators and Designers managed to create in all three cities mentioned, the specific of a contemporary art gallery and served as a platform dedicated to dialogue between creators and visitors. DJ Never Over and DJ Frunză took care of the atmosphere, bringing the most interesting social chill rhythms and groove influences.

The participants belonging to seven creative fields shared their ideas and techniques to those who came to the exhibition – visitors, bloggers, and photographers. In this way, visual artists, architects, product designers, unique product creators, multimedia designers, graphic designers and sculptors turned shapes, expression and color into three great galleries.

  • Creativity and uniqueness

The 44 exhibitors, genuine creators and designers from Romania, are presented in the pages of The White Night’s catalogue. One can easily notice that the essential thing they have in common is the originality of their brands, a criterion in their selection.


Andreea Bololoi Jewelry // Abru // Bo3mia // Carter Gear // Daciana Dax // DCD Illustration // Desenat // edit.CUT.paint // F r a n t u r i // Onibon // Ramsmade // Simona Albu Handbags// Ana Marchetanu // Vlad Oană // SANCTI SPIRITVS // dear sender // the MISSION // Inorog // Gabi Toma // AYA concept // oaky // AITO // Carmen Emanuela Popa // UNITE PRIVEE // Ukiscreator // Silva Artis // Ionela Luncanu // Deco-Box // Wood Be Nice// Magic Mint Handmade// Whoabi Sabi // Owlipop // Mr. Musette // Creative Chaos // LUT // Otilia Adam // Atelier Jamais // flow // Crina Marinescu Atelier // Anamaria Pop // OONA Studio // M.O.A. Bijoux // Differenzial Kraft // Linda Szabo – all of them reveal and encourage the newest trends in contemporary jewelry, furniture, fashion, clothing.

  • Professionalism and elegance

The center for urban culture – Casino from Cluj-Napoca, The Romanian Cultural Institute from Bucharest and Ambasada (The Embassy) from Timișoara were the three venues chosen to add a touch of elegance to the exhibitions. All the three alternative spaces for culture perfectly integrated the contemporary avant-garde style of the exhibits in their classical atmosphere and underlined their charm.


Moreover, Pallets Concept Bar hosted – in a friendly and welcoming atmosphere – the event that marked the end of the project: the launch of The White Night’s catalogue, 2015.

What impact did it have? / Who supported and promoted the event?

During the event, 50 official media partners promoted it online and offline. Among these, two radio stations presented the project, Radio România Cultural & TaNaNaNa and two televisions: TVR2 and TVR Timișoara.

Also, 11 official bloggers offered updated information on all the three editions of The White Night for Product Creators and Designers on internet. Official photographers put talent and passion in showing our artistic reality.

All these aspects built the atmosphere needed for The White Night for Product Creators and Designers. The fourth edition of the event was remarkable through art, culture, design and inspiration and followed its aim: to support the contemporary values and the works of art from the Romanian cultural space, that deserve continual development, support and promotion.

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The White Night for Product Creators and Designers has become a networking platform, both active and inspiring, dedicated to creative and talented people from Romania. This project was a finalist in the Civil Society Gala, in the sections Art and culture and Impact. Also, its volunteers were among the finalists at the Volunteers’ National Gala, the section Art and culture. This year, the project is finalist in Elle Decoration Romania.


Members of the project team are: Mihaela Ion, Teodora Vlădescu, Valentin Grosoşiu, Anca Ionescu, Daniela Lazăr, Gabriela Gorgan, Gabriela Gheorghe, Daniel Mircea, Elisa Ene, Andreea Manea, Ramona Croitoru (Roşca). Volunteers and friends of this project are: Ioana Gînscă-Botiş, Monica Opincariu, Elena Enciu, Elena Gheorghiu, Ramona Chifu Mateescu, Loredana Martalog, Mirela Stoica, Andreea Darie, Ștefan Balea, Cristina Vasc, Adriana Tuluca-Marina, Raluca Pucani, Bogdana Mircea, Elena Caloian, Dragoş Vrabete, Silviana Petre.


Mihaela Ion este manager cultural cu o experienţă de peste 17 ani în cadrul industriei creative şi culturale româneşti şi cu un doctorat în istorie. Pe lângă educaţia universitară dedicată istoriei artei, Mihaela s-a specializat în domeniul managementului cultural în Londra şi Paris prin bursele acordate acesteia, de către Fundaţia Gabriela Tudor şi Ministerul Culturii din Franţa. Este co-fondatoare a Revistei Atelierul (Asociaţia Atelierul de Creaţie) şi a proiectelor generate de această comunitate internaţională: "Creative Night Talks", "Noaptea albă a creatorilor şi designerilor de produs". Este evaluatoare independentă pentru diferiţi cofinanţatori publici. Curatoriază expoziţii în diferite galerii de artă şi spaţii de consum de artă, din România şi străinătate. Este International Board Member AICA (Asociaţia Internaţională a Criticilor de Artă) şi membră a departamentului de Digital Strategies a aceleiaşi asociaţii.


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