Call for entries: The White Night for Product Crea...

Call for entries: The White Night for Product Creators and Designers, 5th Edition

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Product designers, makers and creators, newcomers or well-established artists working in creative industries or contemporary art, everyone’s invited to join the new edition of the White Night for Product Creators and Designers exhibition, which will take place this year only in Bucharest (details TBA).

If you’re a part of the Romanian creative industry, we look forward to receiving your application: just fill out the form here:

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The White Night for Product Creators and Designers is a real opportunity for product creators and designers to present themselves as such in an appropriate environment and to express themselves within a professionally organized event. This way, we’re supporting alternative ways of presenting products conceived by designers and other creators in new art consumption spaces.

This year’s edition of The White Night for Product Creators and Designers is financed by the Ministry of Culture.

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For the past five years, The White Night for Product Creators and Designers has been an active platform for networking and inspiration, dedicated to creative Romanians. Its success has been confirmed by the inclusion of the project among the finalists of the Civil Society Gala (Art and culture and Impact sections), the Elle Decoration Gala, and by the financing received from the AFNC and the Ministry of Culture. Furthermore, its volunteers have been among the finalists of the National Volunteer Gala, Art and Culture section.

Deadline for submitting your application: September 24th, 2016, 13:00.

Find more details on the event below:

Between the 20th and the 30th of September, each applicant will receive an e-mail specifying whether they have been selected to take part in the event or not. Make sure to check your e-mail account during that time.

  • The event will begin at 17:00 and finish around 04:00.
  • During the White Night for Product Creators and Designers exhibition, there will be no product selling. Each participant may present as many as 5 products.
  • All through the event, musical entertainment will be provided.
  • Taking part in The White Night for Product Creators and Designers is free of charge.
  • The selected product designers and creators will sign a participation contract.
  • A newspaper (with a proper ISBN) of the project will be published. You can find details about the brochures and the past editions on
  • Should you have any questions regarding the event, please use the e-mail address dedicated to the event: [email protected]

Brief presentation of the past editions:


Financer: Administraţia Fondului Cultural Naţional

44 participants, 8.000 visitors, 100 media partners. Music: DJ Never Over & Dj Frunză. 15 official bloggers.

Bucharest: Romanian Cultural Institute.

Cluj-Napoca: “Casino” Urban Culture Centre.

Timișoara: AMBASADA.

Noaptea albă a creatorilor și designerilor de produs – Catalog 2015

Noaptea albă a creatorilor și designerilor de produs – Post event 2015


Financer: Administraţia Fondului Cultural Naţional

Over 60 participants, 12.000 visitors throughout the country, 80 local and national media partners. Music: Fără Zahăr, Ștefana Ganea, Viorica Pintilie & Jimmy Czerchez, Abator Industries, DJ Never Over, Loungerie II

Bucharest: French Cultural Institute, Elvira Popescu Cinema & Bistro Chez Elvire.

Cluj-Napoca: “Casino” Urban Culture Centre.

Iași: Fix Theatre.

Noaptea albă a creatorilor și designerilor de produs – Catalog București 2014

Noaptea albă a creatorilor și designerilor de produs – Catalog Cluj-Napoca 2014

Noaptea albă a creatorilor și designerilor de produs – Catalog Iași 2014

Noaptea albă a creatorilor și designerilor de produs – Post event 2014


Over 40 participants, 5.000 visitors, 40 local media partners. Music: Viorica Pintilie, Gabriel Bălaşă & Jimmy Czerchez.

Bucharest: Bernschutz&Co, Attitude Ballet Studio & Acuarela.

Noaptea albă a creatorilor și designerilor de produs – Catalog 2013

Noaptea albă a creatorilor și designerilor de produs – Post event 2013


Over 20 participants, 2.500 visitors, 3 locations, 2 workshops, 20 local media partners. Music: Loungerie II.

Bucharest: Expirat & Energiea.

Noaptea albă a creatorilor și designerilor de produs – 2012




Inginer în protecția mediului cu o afinitate mare pentru estetică, design și funcționalitate. Cochetând cu desenul din copilărie și având o sete pentru inspirație creativă, voluntariatul în lumea creativilor mi s-a părut pasul cel mai firesc. Aventura mea cu Revista Atelierul a început timid în 2013, inițial ca voluntar, urmând apoi să devin membru asociat. Am început activitatea în Redacție cu articole din zona DIY, inspirație, recenzii pentru diferite evenimente creative. Mai apoi, participarea activă în proiecte cofinanțate de Ministerul Culturii sau AFCN, cum sunt Noaptea Albă a Creatorilor și Designerilor de produs, Creative Night Talks, în roluri de PR&MKT m-a imersat cu adevarat în mediul creativ.


  1. […] For English speaking participants, you can find the guidelines here:… […]

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