Worth partnership project: The 3rd call is open

Worth partnership project: The 3rd call is open

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After the success of the recently ended second call, a new great opportunity opens up for creative people who want to develop innovative products using transnational collaboration. Basic financial support, coaching and personalised mentoring, market positioning, protection of intellectual property and two international events for a total value of 60.000 €: this is what those who decide to participate in the third call of the WORTH Partnership Project, the four-year initiative financed by the COSME programme of the European Union, which aims to encourage the development of innovative products through transnational collaborations between designers, traditional and digital craftsmen, SMEs, start-ups and tech signatories, can aspire to.

Involving all sectors of the creative industry: from fashion/textiles, to footwear, furniture/decorations for the home, leather/furs, jewellery and accessories. In particular, applicants must display a strong interest in collaborating, creating and innovating on a transnational basis. The jury that will select the winners will be made up of international experts who will evaluate the projects on the basis of their attitude towards innovation, their social and environmental impact, their technical and industrial feasibility and their market potential. It was the conscious use of resources that was the leitmotif of the winning projects of the first call.

Romania and Spain

A project that addresses contemporary issues such as upcycling and perfectly demonstrates how sustainability and fashion can have a common future. In fact, the jewels incorporate waste materials such as cereals, vegetables, textiles, coal and metal powders, with the aim of overcoming the common idea that a jewel should be just an ornament for the body, and with the aim that those who wear them can give their contribution in preserving the planet.

Italy, Iceland and UK

Fishskinlab is a collection of clutches inspired by the principles of sustainability, taking into account the limits of the planet’s natural resources and as an alternative to the use of leather whose industry is one of the most polluting (about 40% of emissions of polluting factors are widespread emissions, ie they disperse into the environment). The partnership of this project has opted for the use of fish skin waste in the production of bags, transforming a waste material into a high fashion product.

Netherlands and Spain

An environmentally friendly garment, made by combining fabrics and 3d printed elements made with a sustainable material: CO2pure, a compound of 100% natural, mineral microparticles, which has the property of mineralizing the main greenhouse gases CO2 and NOx. In this way, the clothes are able to capture co2 from the atmosphere, the main cause of the greenhouse effect, with the aim of reducing environmental damage.

Belgium and Spain

A wall module for indoor plants that creates a natural environment with optimal air quality and a natural scent. Gardin makes it possible to grow plants in an enclosed environment because it is equipped with full spectrum LED lighting technology that provides the plants with the nourishment necessary to keep them healthy; with a vertically positioned felt characterized by diamond shaped pockets that contain the plants in a natural way; and with a simple and intelligent automatic irrigation system.
For more information, here is the link to our virtual press office with: press kit, images and videos. here for all the details on the winners of the first call from Germany, France, United Kingdom, Spain, Italy, Belgium, Austria, Macedonia, Greece, Iceland, Portugal, Hungary, Bulgaria, Estonia, the Netherlands, Ukraine, Romania and Moldova; and their projects.

WORTH Partnership Project
An initiative of the European Commission that aims to support collaboration between PM and start-ups of designers, producers and technology companies to create new products and implement innovative and disruptive ideas. The initiative is implemented by a consortium across Europe, in the belief that creative industries (SMEs and start-ups) are the main drivers of economic growth in Europe.

The WORTH Partnership Project is funded by COSME, the European Union Programme for the Competitiveness of Enterprises and Small and Medium-sized Enterprises.


Revista Atelierul: platformă activă de prezentare online şi offline a industriilor creative şi culturale, naţionale şi internaţionale. Cu un număr de peste 9 milioane de cititori, din 2010 am publicat peste 3080 de articole, promovăm peste 1.500 de artişti și designeri de produs, şi suntem parteneri media viabili la peste 600 de evenimente de profil.


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