Design Month Graz 2020 from May 8th to June 7th

Design Month Graz 2020 from May 8th to June 7th

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When design conquers the city: The UNESCO City of Design Graz will be the stage for design from the region and from around the world in May. The 12th Design Month Graz puts good design in the spotlight in all its facets and shows why creativity is so important in a modern, globalized world.

The Design Month Graz has established itself as an annual fixed point in the international event calendar. This year, we shift our focus towards the future: „Better Future” is the common thread running through the program: What should a „better future” look like? How should we deal with challenges such as climate change and digitalization? And what solutions does design offer? With Fantastic Plastic, curated by the Moscow Design Museum, a major exhibition is moving into the Joanneumsviertel in 2020, which will again form the core of the Design Month Graz. Fantastic Plastic shows that the raw material plastic is a recyclable resource that offers unimagined opportunities.


Social and sustainable design: At the Better Future Symposium, the focus is on social design, sustainable design and the changing urban climate. The “Circle Around Humanity” exhibition presents sustainable design projects from other UNESCO Cities of Design. In addition to this, the design process behind the new Merkur Campus in Graz will be on show in designforum Styria: parts of the Merkur residence on the Joanneumring were upcycled and integrated into the new interior design by the SelfSightSeeing Company. In Schloss Hollenegg for Design, the exhibition „Walden” takes on the topics of nature and wilderness.

Proven program items

The format „Design in the City” invites visitors to discover design – and purchase a piece of it for themselves! Selected Graz design shops show exceptional products, unique collections and outstanding creations. Numerous other program items round off the Design Month Graz – from the Fesch’Markt to the “Fifteen Seconds” festival. With 100,000 visitors at 106 events, workshops and exhibitions in 31 days, the Design Month Graz made its mark as a powerful performer last year. The 2020 edition will offer new insights into the local creative industries and the international network and foster a host of outstanding exchange opportunities.

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