Design Month Graz 2021 set an important example

Design Month Graz 2021 set an important example

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The Design Month Graz 2021 has closed successfully. Despite having to cancel the Design Month 2020 due to the pandemic, the organizers have now set an important example for the UNESCO City of Design Graz and for the creative industry as a whole.

“The Design Month Graz 2021 took place – and that was important because it was the first festival in Graz after many months of lockdowns, shutdowns and cancellations,” said Eberhard Schrempf, Managing Director of Creative Industries Styria and the festival organizer. Sadly the Design Month 2020 with the program focus “Better Future” had to be canceled. It was held this year, albeit with fewer events and with many of the remaining ones moved to the digital event room. Networking was nevertheless an essential topic, thus 90 partners were involved in the Design Month Graz. “Micro-communication formats and digital tours through the Design Month were also developed especially for this year. The bookings clearly show that this works, as does the online symposium ‘Redesign the Future’. All in all, we are incredibly pleased with the result,” said Schrempf.


A desire for design – both digitally and live

“Overall, the feedback on the program was particularly good. The offers for Design Month Graz 2021 were well received.” 30 shops with a wide range of projects and products joined “Design in the City”. The exhibitions “Fantastic Plastic” in Herrengasse and “SUREAL” in the designforum Steiermark at Andreas-Hofer-Platz were also very well attended. The second exhibition in the designforum Steiermark, „Taste the Ortwein”, opened as recently as last weekend and will stay open until June 19, 2021. „Design is known for new approaches, surprises and the courage to take chances, and we are pleased that there were and are no reservations – interest and curiosity in design predominate,” Eberhard Schrempf said.

Save the date Design Month Graz 2022: Planned from May 6 to June 12. //


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