MollyArt – the new project by Bettina T

MollyArt – the new project by Bettina T

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Bettina T, with the new MollyArt project, does not just consider the jewel as a real artistic expression but she becomes the inspiration of new works. The fulcrum of the initiative launched by the brand created by Cinzia Caviglia is the Molly ring, reinterpreted by five international artists.

The result is five different illustrations that fully express the essence of the jewel, and of the brand itself, full of ironic elements and an imaginative character. In addition to the five works, Cinzia herself created her interpretation, emphasizing that art has no boundaries, and jewels are no exception. The final idea behind the project is to convey the concept of jewelry as an artwork, thanks to future collaborations that may involve several categories of artists and connect more female worlds to create a „nomadic” community that will share interests, curiosities and experiences.

The artists Francesca Donatelli, Bea Montero, Edita Ciosek, Serena Giamè and Katiuscia Toso, received the ring, to be able to see, touch and transmit the sensations and vibrations it emanates within their works. The initiative was a great success and gave birth to real artworks, which bring the viewer back to that enchanted and innocent world, characteristic of childhood.

And it is precisely in the childhood of all the girls that we find the origin of the Molly ring. In particular, the inspiration comes from all those times when, as a child, playing among the hanging clothes, the clothespins were collected and, with the naturalness typical of childhood, they slipped on the finger. With a pinch of childish fantasy, the simple object was transformed into a precious jewel, becoming the protagonist of fairy tales. Now, designed in detail of the craftsmanship, and with precious materials, its ergonomics allows it to be worn daily and be very comfortable despite its square shape.

Bettina T, who has always winked at everything around creativity, knows well the opportunities offered by the digital world, and social media in particular, and has decided to exploit it to let young artists tell, through their art, about the soul of his brand.

Bettina T’s creations are inspired by casual and ironic women who, while focusing on lightness do not lose sight of the sense of elegance and design. And these are precisely the values that emerge from the five illustrations, images with a playful and irreverent personality, adjectives typical of the brand’s character.

Molly ring e all Bettina T jewels are available on the site:


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