Design Month Graz 2022: Green Transition

Design Month Graz 2022: Green Transition

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We need a completely new way of engaging with the resources that the Earth provides for us. Doing so requires ideas and expertise – much of which will come from the creative industries. During the Design Month 2022 from May 7 to June 12, the UNESCO City of Design Graz will thus feature a dense program focusing on “Green Transition”. With around 100 items on the program, this design festival provides insights into a broad range of design disciplines.

The creative industries play a special role in the Europe-wide Green Transition because they are a key component in all phases of the value-added process – from creation and production to distribution, communication and marketing. Creative people not only offer contributions and solutions for a more sustainable future, but also promote a societal mental shift from “I” to “We,” i.e. from “Human Centered Design” to “Society Centered Design.” In 2022, for the 13th time, the Design Month – organized and coordinated by Creative Industries Styria – offers a platform to network and highlight design and designers. After two years shaped by the COVID-19 pandemic, the Styrian design festival is back once again with a range of in-person event formats and a packed program schedule.

The Design Everyday exhibition presents outstanding everyday objects designed by Austrian design studios that aim to make our world better, more beautiful and simpler with a design process that was well thought-out at every step. The Design Clinic offers free initial consultations in case of “design emergencies,” while Design in the City puts extraordinary design creations in 37 Graz shops. The ZweckZwei – Shift Circular Design exhibition shows how the ZweckZwei initiative rethinks the circular economy and gives industrial leftover materials a second life. And this year, in cooperation with Holzcluster Steiermark, so-called WorkLets – outdoor seats made from wood that are set up preferably in idyllic sites with outstandingly beautiful views – invite people to relax, to pause for a moment and to work.

STRONG INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION__ Within the UNESCO Creative Cities network, Graz enjoys a good reputation as an excellent networker. It is therefore not surprising that the Design Month 2022 will open with numerous representatives from the various UNESCO Creative Cities in attendance.

Guests from the Creative Cities of Doha, Saint-Étienne, Enghien-les-Bains, Wuhan and Ljubljana are taking part, as are other international guests from Valencia, Madrid, Barcelona, Lund, Porto, Entebbe, Tel Aviv, Milan and Istanbul, further emphasizing that international interest in design is once again focusing on Graz. A Green Transition in both the traditional and creative economy is the focus of this year’s European Creative Industries Summit (ECIS) conference. However, active exchange between the UNESCO network members can also be experienced more tangibly: Around Autofiction embarks on a foray through those Creative Cities that also have a long history with the automotive industry. The exhibition presents a snapshot of their various activities and initiatives associated with the important future topic of mobility. Last but not least, FH JOANNEUM hosts an exciting “International Week.”

THE CREATIVE HEARTBEAT OF THE STATE CAPITAL__ “Styria is not only one of the most innovative regions in Europe, it is also well known internationally for outstanding design and its thriving creative economy. With the Design Month Graz, the networking organization Creative Industries Styria (CIS) is once again making the creative heartbeat of our state capital to quicken. And the ‘vital sings’ of the creative economy are excellent: more than 17,000 people are either self-employed or employed in this sector and sales total two Billion Euros per year,” emphasizes Barbara Eibinger-Miedl, member of the Government of Styria responsible for Economic Affairs.

A MUST-SEE AMONG THE INTERNATIONAL DESIGN FESTIVALS__ According to Graz City Councilor responsible for Economics and Tourism Günter Riegler, “Design Month Graz has long been a must-see highlight among the international design festivals. And our local design and creative scene also plays an important role for Graz as a hub for innovation and business. Creativity is a key prerequisite for economic success, promoting momentum, vitality, innovation, creation and much more in a city. As a city, we live and breathe this commitment and actively and enthusiastically fulfill our role as a UNESCO City of Design.”

A ROAD MAP FOR OUR JOURNEY__ “This year’s program focus ‘Green Transition’ is in line with the European ‘Green Deal’ and the ‘New European Bauhaus’ initiative. The European climate goals cannot be achieved simply through the cultural commitment and creative intelligence of a single economic sector. An enormous collective effort is required. European culture and the creative industries have a vital role in ensuring that this is achieved. With exhibitions, workshops and events, the Design Month Graz is showing where this journey will take us,” explains Eberhard Schrempf, General Manager of Creative Industries Styria.

The Design Month Graz 2022 opens on Friday, May 6. Grand opening and opening of the exhibitions „Design Everyday”, „ZweckZwei – Shift Circular Design” and „Around Autofiction” on Friday, May 6, 2022 | 7:30 pm

Minoritenzentrum Graz, Mariahilferplatz 3, 8020 Graz

Registration required at

Note: Programming and implementation of the Design Month will be adapted to comply with the COVID-19 regulations applicable at the time. Further details and the event calendar with all dates can be found at:


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