Venice Design Week: Jewelry Selection

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Origins: a journey in creativity from slow design to sustainability, is the fil rouge of this year’s edition of the Venice Design Week, to which Jewelry Selection 2022, one of the most beloved events of the Venetian festival, belongs.

The event will showcase jewels of surrealist character with the intent to transport the audience in an irrational dimension. Designers were invited to be guided by the unconscious to create unforgettable, irreverent works that, through materials, colors, and twists could make a moment last forever.

Among the 84 registered designers, who presented more than 100 jewels, the jury, after a first meeting, dedicated to the evaluation of projects and photographs, and a second, where the real jewels were analyzed in order to choose which ones were to be exhibited in Venice, has selected 13. These include: Ana Nadjar, Chile; Ann Cox, England; Chiara Davanzo, Switzerland; Cooperativa Nuova Idea, Italy; Floor Angela Mommersteeg, Holland Houdek, USA; Josef Friedrich, Germany; Maria Tenore, Italy; Maria Zambrano, UK; Miriam Arentz, Germany; Salima Al-Habsi, Oman; Virginia Checcacci, Italy; Yasaman Rafi Tabar, Italy.

The exhibition will be open to the public from October 1st to 23rd at Ca’ Pisani Decò Design Hotel. It was created by Associazione Arte e Design Venezia and curated by Camilla Fabretti and Lisa Balasso in collaboration with the promoters of the international competition: Contemporary Jewellery Association AGC, the online magazine, the galleries OhMyBlue Gallery, OONA Gallery. In addition, the Creativity oggetti galleries of Turin, 16metriquadri of Udine and Esh of Milan will offer special prizes during the award ceremony, which will be held on October 2nd.

Venice Design Week, promoted by the Cultural Association Arte Design Venice, will take place from 1 to 9 October 2022 in locations spread throughout the city.


Revista Atelierul: platformă activă de prezentare online şi offline a industriilor creative şi culturale, naţionale şi internaţionale. Cu un număr de peste 9 milioane de cititori, din 2010 am publicat peste 3080 de articole, promovăm peste 1.500 de artişti și designeri de produs, şi suntem parteneri media viabili la peste 600 de evenimente de profil.


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