Ambiente Trends 23+ focus on sustainability, unexp...

Ambiente Trends 23+ focus on sustainability, unexpected new creations and design icons

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Ambiente Trends 23+ offers an overview of new products from the entire consumer goods sector – new in 2023 are the trends for New Work and the modern workplace. The first place to go to experience the trends live is the Trend Area in the foyer of Hall 4.1. From 3 to 7 February 2023, the area will offer both trade visitors and exhibitors valuable inspiration and daily lectures to delve even deeper into the trend worlds.

The Ambiente Trends 23+ stand for living worlds that offer new sensations and experiences. The three trend worlds provide new impulses, stimulate creativity and invite you to adopt unusual perspectives. In doing so, they tie in with developments of previous years and convincingly take them further. In particular, sustainability and the associated material research, new aesthetic solutions, craftsmanship and digital innovations can be found.

On behalf of Messe Frankfurt, the trend bureau bora.herke.palmisano will pick up on the relevant trends in the consumer-goods sector and, on the basis of the trend themes, select suitable products for Ambiente 2023 exhibitors. These will be presented to the international trade-fair public at the Trend Show from 3 to 7 February 2023. „After two years in a state of emergency, the signs are noticeably pointing to a new start. In our research, we have found powerful living themes that answer the pressing questions of our time in very different ways. What they all have in common is a close connection to people, their feelings and their experiences,” says Annetta Palmisano, trend bureau bora.herke.palmisano.

unknown beauty_strange + gracious: mixed reality aesthetics meets the unknown

unknown beauty_strange + gracious is the name of the first of the three trends. Here, the longing for new, surprising experiences plays a decisive role. This trend reflects a living theme that combines unconventional grace and incredible new creations. The unexpected makes its way into the familiar living environment here. The unknown beauty_strange + gracious colour palette features intense, extravagant colours alternating with lovely and soft nuances. The micro-colour themes allow for individual interpretations and focal points ranging from cool to intense, from neutral to eccentric. Multi-coloured and shimmering tones dominate, as do iridescent rainbow effects or wet looks.

In terms of materials, the focus is on abstract, alien shapes and unconventional surfaces. The dissolution between analogue and digital, real and virtual worlds is also being pushed forward. The convergence of craft and technology brings forth new products. As a living theme, unknown beauty_strange + gracious has surprising solutions in store:

„Here, the focus is on fascinating colour schemes and unexpected aesthetic solutions. Situational patterns, ambient reflections and the play of light and shade create remarkable visual effects. From extravagant to bizarre, always extraordinary and glamorous in a special way.” Palmisano sums up this trend.

calming nature_careful + pleasant: New vitality meets closeness to nature

The second trend, calming nature_careful + pleasant, focuses on the calming power of nature. Organic shapes, gentle colours and a careful use of resources are just as much the focus here as the relationship between man and nature. Organic shapes and designs are supported by soft colours. The colour palette focuses on natural tones, which have a particularly gentle effect with their delicate pigmentation. The cooler orientation features shades from the plant world, while the neutral range shows stone and metal shades. Moss, clay and a rosé nuance determine the warmer expression.

More and more, calming nature_careful + pleasant blurs the boundaries between technology, research, art and craft. The life cycles of materials provide an important source of inspiration. New solutions are offered, for example, by waste materials that become new raw materials. Nature is always included in this trend world, including in the office: the working environment also benefits from a clear, calm design language. Seating furniture, tables and luminaires appear focused on the essentials. Biophilic light gives office and work spaces a natural look.


„Material research is still one of the most important strategies in design and interdisciplinary design studios are constantly researching innovative, sustainable materials. The path towards circular design remains the greatest concern and will accompany us continuously over the next few years,” says Palmisano.

lasting ideas_passionate + evocative: design icons meet the here and now

The third trend, lasting ideas_passionate + evocative, condenses the ideas of outstanding design icons into a living theme that seeks solutions for the here and now. The designers recall classic, iconic designs, but the design results are fundamentally new and modern. Graphic and striking, with strong colours and concrete shapes, memories of design icons are evoked. The focus is on the desire to reinterpret familiar concepts: well thought-out concepts can be seen that deal intensively with new needs.

Where our living environment is increasingly also becoming a working environment, modular, versatile solutions are found. The lasting ideas_passionate + evocative colour palette forms the basis for powerful designs: petrol and blue nuances dominate the cool range, while intense orange-red with shades of violet and yellow lead the warm orientation. Both the individual colour and sophisticated colour compositions, for example in graphic-plaque patterns or modern mosaics, characterise this trend. The overall concept is clearly in the foreground at lasting ideas_passionate + evocative, so different materials can also be used: Soft or solid, made of natural or recycled materials. Materials such as stone or marble emphasise durability, as do modular and versatile objects.

lasting ideas_passionate + evocative shows that not only home furniture but also other functional products can be used in a particularly flexible way. In the area of working and living, too, the adaptability of our living environment is perpetuated by multifunctional living objects.

„At the same time, craftsmanship and the idea of manufacture, where special pieces are produced in small editions or even as one-offs, play an important role. Many products are functional and yet always a design statement,” says Palmisano.

The experts from the bora.herke.palmisano trend bureau report twice a day on the three trend worlds at Ambiente and Christmasworld. For the first time, there will be joint trend statements for Ambiente and Christmasworld – however, an individual interpretation per fair will remain and continue to be elaborated.

The specialist lectures will take place in the Conzoom Solutions Academy in Room Europa, Hall 4.0Foyer, at the following times:

  • Friday, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday at 11:45 a.m. and at 2:45 p.m. respectively.
  • Saturday at 12:45 p.m. and 3:45 p.m.

From February 2023, Ambiente will be held at the Frankfurt exhibition center at the same time as the leading international consumer goods trade fairs Christmasworld and Creativeworld. Ambiente/Christmasworld: February 3 to 7, 2023. Creativeworld: February 4 to 7, 2023




Mihaela Ion este manager cultural cu o experienţă de peste 17 ani în cadrul industriei creative şi culturale româneşti şi cu un doctorat în istorie. Pe lângă educaţia universitară dedicată istoriei artei, Mihaela s-a specializat în domeniul managementului cultural în Londra şi Paris prin bursele acordate acesteia, de către Fundaţia Gabriela Tudor şi Ministerul Culturii din Franţa. Este co-fondatoare a Revistei Atelierul (Asociaţia Atelierul de Creaţie) şi a proiectelor generate de această comunitate internaţională: "Creative Night Talks", "Noaptea albă a creatorilor şi designerilor de produs". Este evaluatoare independentă pentru diferiţi cofinanţatori publici. Curatoriază expoziţii în diferite galerii de artă şi spaţii de consum de artă, din România şi străinătate. Este International Board Member AICA (Asociaţia Internaţională a Criticilor de Artă) şi membră a departamentului de Digital Strategies a aceleiaşi asociaţii.


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