Yinka Ilori launches his first pop-up store in Lon...

Yinka Ilori launches his first pop-up store in London

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London-based multidisciplinary artist and designer Yinka Ilori announces details of his first pop-up store in Shoreditch, East London. Drawing inspiration from West African architecture, Ilori has created a unique retail environment which features his recent homeware and lifestyle products alongside a new collection launching in-store today.

Ilori who is best known for his colourful and narrative-led public interventions launched his debut homeware collection in 2020 at the height of the pandemic. Tableware and textiles in bold colours and patterns referenced his British-Nigerian heritage and upbringing as well as local London scenery. Ilori’s collection reworked unexpected, functional household items as artworks to inject joy and optimism into our living environments. He has since launched a range of products that span homeware and lifestyle and encourage a sense of playfulness.

In the lead up to Christmas, this pop-up addresses the current creative state of retail as the sector continues to face challenges. He explores how stores can encourage consumers to connect, experience and discover in a continuation of design work that is inspired by his heritage and storytelling. Recalling the houses and mosques found in Burkina Faso, he has created a new typology and design language, translating vernacular architectural forms into colourful display units. The store will be dominated by blues, greens, pinks and violets used to create a sense of hope and optimism. From stationery and games to homeware, the new collection launching in-store focuses on memory-making, togetherness and play. Each piece has its own backstory and has been designed in his trademark colourful patterns and prints.

Products being launched include: Ayo Game (£275), a strategy game popular among the Yoruba people which Ilori has reimagined as a collectible object, paying respect to its origins; new editions of the Chairman t-shirt (£55), which pays homage to Ilori’s early career upcycling chairs as well as references the Nigerian slang term used by his friends; umbrellas (£65) and notebooks (£32); and a range of lifestyle and interior design objects.

The pop-up store will foster a sense of community and be a place for people to connect, with a range of activities and events taking place in-store. Details of events will be shared via the Yinka Ilori mailing list.

  • Basketball Signing, Thursday 8th December
    Yinka Ilori will sign a limited number of basketballs
  • Ayo Game tournament, Wednesday 14th December
    Shoppers are invited to join an Ayo game tournament, with the winner receiving a limited edition of the game.
  • Palm wine shop & chat, Tuesday 20th December
    Often served at gatherings in Nigeria, palm wine is a symbol of unity and community. Shoppers are invited to enjoy a drink and engage in conversation.

Yinka Ilori, said: “The high street plays such an important role in our communities but in recent years we have experienced a steep decline, with many independent businesses struggling. With this pop-up I wanted to bring retail back and design a fun, engaging space that tells a story. I want to start a conversation about the future of our stores, how we curate these spaces and what experiences we can create to forge deeper, more meaningful connections.”

The ideas of belonging and community are central to Yinka Ilori’s work, who grew up on a council estate in North London. As the cost of living crisis continues to intensify, this Christmas will be one of the toughest for many families. With this in mind, Ilori will be donating 5% of profits from the pop-up to Shelter, a charity dedicated to supporting those who struggle with housing or homelessness.

Yinka Ilori’s pop-up retail space will be located at 9 Club Row, London E1 6JX from 30 November 2022 until 3 January 2023. Store opening hours are Monday to Saturday from 11am – 7pm and Sunday from 12pm – 6pm.


Mihaela Ion este manager cultural cu o experienţă de peste 17 ani în cadrul industriei creative şi culturale româneşti şi cu un doctorat în istorie. Pe lângă educaţia universitară dedicată istoriei artei, Mihaela s-a specializat în domeniul managementului cultural în Londra şi Paris prin bursele acordate acesteia, de către Fundaţia Gabriela Tudor şi Ministerul Culturii din Franţa. Este co-fondatoare a Revistei Atelierul (Asociaţia Atelierul de Creaţie) şi a proiectelor generate de această comunitate internaţională: "Creative Night Talks", "Noaptea albă a creatorilor şi designerilor de produs". Este evaluatoare independentă pentru diferiţi cofinanţatori publici. Curatoriază expoziţii în diferite galerii de artă şi spaţii de consum de artă, din România şi străinătate. Este International Board Member AICA (Asociaţia Internaţională a Criticilor de Artă) şi membră a departamentului de Digital Strategies a aceleiaşi asociaţii.


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