A’ Design Awards & Competition – ...

A’ Design Awards & Competition – Last Call for Entries

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The A’ Design Awards is one of the World’s most prestigious and influential design accolades, where designers from all over the world come together annually to have their works recognized and voted by a grand jury panel of renowned scholars, prominent journalists and design professionals.

Our mission is to create global appreciation and understanding of good design, and to motivate designers to come up with products and projects that benefit and advance society. Winning A’ Design Award & Competition, which is an independent and expert appraisal for design contributes to corporate reputation and brand image. Taking part in the A’ Design Award & Competition provides valuable feedback and experience. A’ Design Award winners proudly display their exclusive award trophies and design excellence certificates which grants them prestige and expert status. The call for entries is available until February 28.

A’Design Awards & Competition has several categories such as:

Good Industrial Design

Good Industrial Design is a title given to entries participating in the A’ Design Award & Competition that comply with the „Good Industrial Design” criteria of A’ Design Award & Competition, there is not a single category called „Good Industrial Design Award” however entries from several design award categories as listed in this page could be eligible for the title.

The “Good Industrial Design Award” winner title is granted to industrial product designs that have been honored with the A’ Design Award accolades, and these durable industrial design products must further be double-checked, re-controlled and re-evaluated physically during the A’ Design Award Competitions’ Exhibition by the post-award jury. Good Industrial Design Award winners will be able to use the “Good Design Mark” in their visual communications.

Good Architectural Design

Good Architectural Design is a title given to entries participating in the A’ Design Award & Competition that comply with the „Good Architectural Design” criteria of A’ Design Award & Competition, there is not a single category called „Good Architecture Design Award” however entries from several design award categories as listed in this page could be eligible for the title.

Architecture Design is the process and the product of planning, designing, constructing and devising buildings and other physical structures for public good. Architectural works, especially buildings and monuments are also perceived as cultural symbols and as works of art, yet they are design objects since they are functional as well as being artistic. Civilizations throughout history have been identified with their surviving architectural achievements.

Good Product Design

Good Product Design is a title given to entries participating in the A’ Design Award & Competition that comply with the „Good Product Design” criteria of A’ Design Award & Competition, there is not a single category called „Good Product Design Award” however entries from several design award categories as listed in this page could be eligible for the title.

Fast-Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) and Consumer Packaged Goods (CPG) are products that are sold quickly and at relatively low cost due to their nature as being non-durable, fast-consumable mass market retail products which are generally replaced or fully used up over a short period of days, weeks, or months, and within one year. This contrasts with durable goods or major appliances which are generally replaced over a period of several years.

Good Communication Design

Good Communication Design is a title given to entries participating in the A’ Design Award & Competition that comply with the „Good Communication Design” criteria of A’ Design Award & Competition, there is not a single category called „Good Communication Design Award” however entries from several design award categories as listed in this page could be eligible for the title.

Communication design is a multi-disciplinary science that is a combination of many design fields (graphics, sound, and motion graphics design), information-development and game-theory which is concerned with how printed, crafted, electronic media or presentations communicate with people. Good communication design means carefully communicating the right information to the correct audience with the minimum amount of efforts.

Good Service Design

Good Service Design is a title given to entries participating in the A’ Design Award & Competition that comply with the „Good Service Design” criteria of A’ Design Award & Competition, there is not a single category called „Good Service Design Award” however entries from several design award categories as listed in this page could be eligible for the title.

Service design is the activity of planning and organizing workforce, infrastructure, communication and material components of a non-tangible product (i.e. service) in order to improve the quality and the interaction between the service provider and consumers of the provided service. Good service design is about making a service memorable, desirable and efficient. Good service design incorporates quality and experiences as an important ingredient.

Good Fashion Design

Good Fashion Design is a title given to entries participating in the A’ Design Award & Competition that comply with the „Good Fashion Design” criteria of A’ Design Award & Competition, there is not a single category called „Good Fashion Design Award” however entries from several design award categories as listed in this page could be eligible for the title.

Fashion design is the art of the application of design and aesthetics to clothing and accessories. Influenced by cultural and social latitudes, trends and technology, time and place, fashion designers work in a number of ways in designing clothing and accessories to bring a garment onto the market by anticipating changing consumer tastes and preferences. Good fashion design is designing clothes and wearable accessories which are functional as well as aesthetically pleasing.

Further design award categories available here.

The Laureates of the A’ Design Award & Competition get fame, prestige, recognition, credibility, publicity and international awareness, in addition to a comprehensive and extensive winners’ kit which includes everything you could potentially need to celebrate the success of winning the A’ Design Award. The A’ Design Award Winners’ Kit is called the „A’ Design Prize” and it includes the 3D Printed Metal A’ Design Award trophy in Black Luxury Box, the annual yearbook which is available in both digital and hardcopy versions (winners get both), printed design excellence certificate in metal frame, award winners manual which helps you get more out of your award status, free gala-night invitation for two people to the award ceremony, free participation and space allocation in the winners’ exhibition (both online gallery inclusions as well as physical exhibition in Italy), free sales listing at SaloneDelDesigner, free utilization of DesignMediator services, inclusion in BuySellDesign Network, proof of creation service, free subscription to, free listing at DesignMegaStore, access to Design Business Calculator, guaranteed publication through IDNN and DXGN Networks to 100+ magazines including Design Interviews & DM Design Magazine, press release preparation and distribution through DesignPRWire, publicity and visibility through DesignMedia communications, feedbacks, judging and evaluation of entries by a respected jury panel, lifelong licensing of the award winners logo, A2 poster design and printing for exhibition,  and many others such as inclusion in the World Design Rankings, and translation of award winning works to 108+ languages as well as international PR Services.

Graphic Sofa
Silver A’ Design Award Winner for Furniture Design Category in 2021
Bia Rezende for Bia Rezende

Heli X Modular Furniture System
Silver A’ Design Award Winner for Furniture Design Category in 2021
Helen Sauter for Helen Sauter

Sharing Joy Lounge Chair
Silver A’ Design Award Winner for Furniture Design Category in 2021
Zhe Gao

Hug Armchair
Silver A’ Design Award Winner for Furniture Design Category in 2021
Romulo Temigue for Romulo Temigue

Oak Project Handmade Fashion
A’ Design Award Winner for Fashion, Apparel and Garment Design Category in 2021
Leila Doroodchi for Lili Dchi

Cubes Lighting
Silver A’ Design Award Winner for Lighting Products and Lighting Projects Design Category in 2021
Monica Pinto de Almeida for MOKKI Design

2030 City Blueprint Educational Learning Toy
A’ Design Award Winner for Toy, Games and Hobby Products Design Category in 2021
Chen Yu, Yi Lin, Sih Ci and Chih Ling for Tainan University of Technology/Product Design Deparment

Planet 0238 Exhibition Center
Silver A’ Design Award Winner for Interior Space and Exhibition Design Category in 2021
Lijuan Zhang and Dongmei Zhao for UNO Architects

Entries will be judged by an international jury panel of academics, design professionals and press members

Submit your designs to the competition:

The deadline for submission is on February 28. Results will be announced to public on April 15.

More information about the competition:


Mihaela Ion este manager cultural cu o experienţă de peste 17 ani în cadrul industriei creative şi culturale româneşti şi cu un doctorat în istorie. Pe lângă educaţia universitară dedicată istoriei artei, Mihaela s-a specializat în domeniul managementului cultural în Londra şi Paris prin bursele acordate acesteia, de către Fundaţia Gabriela Tudor şi Ministerul Culturii din Franţa. Este co-fondatoare a Revistei Atelierul (Asociaţia Atelierul de Creaţie) şi a proiectelor generate de această comunitate internaţională: "Creative Night Talks", "Noaptea albă a creatorilor şi designerilor de produs". Este evaluatoare independentă pentru diferiţi cofinanţatori publici. Curatoriază expoziţii în diferite galerii de artă şi spaţii de consum de artă, din România şi străinătate. Este International Board Member AICA (Asociaţia Internaţională a Criticilor de Artă) şi membră a departamentului de Digital Strategies a aceleiaşi asociaţii.


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