Baci Milano is always mixing tradition with innovation - Revista Atelierul

Baci Milano is always mixing tradition with innova...

Baci Milano is always mixing tradition with innovation

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We noticed Baci at Ambiente 2023, in Frankfurt, and after seeing their awesome booth, we wanted to learn more about the brand. Silvia Arienti, one of the two shareholders (together with her husband Giovanni Colombo) was kind enough to answer our questions. Baci is located in Milano, Italy and the brand’s name stands for „Kisses” which  represent for shareholders Silvia and Giovanni,  „the simplest but at the same time powerful form which to stage and express a feeling with, the natural form of communication that people use to show affection.”

1. In 2006 you created Baci how was your creative road? What’s the biggest challenge you had to face so far for your brand?

We managed to create, little by little and with great sensibility, a family company that travels fast without ever losing touch with the real world. By maintaining strong and stable relationships with the entire company structure, we have been able to create a thoughtful actuality, capable of not overlooking any step of the working ladder. We invest every single resource to show emotions and spread safety, to create universal, but at the same time, innovative objects. That’s why the path taken moves forward with the idea that design can enter people’s lives without revolutionizing tradition, but blending with change.

Experimenting to stir interest, charm to become favorites on the market, these are the cornerstones that make the Baci world unique, these are the foundations that encourage us to be the beating heart and strength of a world in constant change.

2. During your journey with Baci, what was your proudest moment?

Every time I present a new collection (i.e. twice a year) I am always very proud of the creativity and passionate soul that we try to convey in what we propose.

3. Do you have a favorite story related to international fairs, a story that you want to share with our audience?

The first few times we presented beautiful and elegant table sets with our melamine plates and acrylic glasses (high quality plastic very similar to crystal) the customers who approached and touched the products were totally amazed to see that it was plastic. We managed to give strong emotions with an unusual material creating highly elegant and unique tables.

4. We discovered your brand at Ambiente. How did you find the fair experience?

Ambiente is in fact a very lively fair, we’ve had the chance to meet new and old clients, vendors, press, colleagues and friends. Business-wise we found precious inputs and had a broader, updated view on the international market. We found a very proactive environment: the last few years have pushed the market to opening and considering new business ways and opportunities. It’s very stimulating.

5. How do you prepare for international fairs?

We usually prepare for national and international fairs at the same time, trying to maximize the synergies, so our efforts and our stakeholder efforts are minimized. The most important part when preparing for fairs is probably a good communication and agenda.

6. From your website we learned that Baci Milano created objects from “new ideas mixed with history and tradition, elegance combined with versatility and innovation finds the way to assert itself with determination”. How do you manage to bring history and tradition in contemporary objects?

The most important aspect of our work is probably keeping an ever-open mind and eye on the world. We are lucky enough to live in a visually rich environment. History and tradition is something that quite naturally flow into our products. Nevertheless, history and tradition have to be reinterpreted to keep them alive. We always start from contemporary trends and needs and design with the aim of hitting the point where reinterpreted traditions successfully meet contemporary world aesthetics.

7. How do you feel that the world handles traditional crafts in the digital area?

The digital era has brought about significant changes in the way products are marketed and consumed. E-commerce platforms and social media has made it easier to reach a wider audience but at the same time the rise of mass-produced goods and the prevalence of fast fashion have put pressure on the system. Baci Milano is always mixing tradition with innovation taking into big consideration that cultural practices cannot be lost in the face of technological change. At the end our customers are people, not avatars and if you want to last longer in the market you need to learn from the temporary trends in order to create something innovative but, at the same time, that can answer to the real needs of the people.

8. What are the steps in creating a new collection? From idea to finished products.

We start from research and inspiration gathering. This could involve looking at trends in design and fashion, exploring new materials, and seeking out inspiration from art, nature or other sources. Once inspiration has been gathered, the next step is to develop a concept for the new collection. This could involve sketching out ideas, creating mood boards, and exploring different design directions. With a concept in place, the design process can begin. We have a strong bunch of suppliers that can quickly create prototypes of new shapes based on our drawings. Regarding the decorations we generally make hand-made drawings first and then digitally we re-elaborate them, preparing the artworks for the prototyping phase.

Once a prototype has been created, it is important to test it rigorously to ensure that it meets the necessary standards. Any issues that arise during testing must be addressed, and the design may need to be refined. We are taking into big consideration also the quality of the packaging that is part of the product. Once the design has been finalized, the production process can begin.

9. How long does it take to create the flagship collection of the year?

Every new collection requires around 6 months of work.

10. How can a designer collaborate with you?

We do have an inner design department, but we are always open to receive new ideas and projects and to collaborate with designers.

11. We love the virtual tours for your shop in Milano. What other online tools do you use to reach an international public?

We are giving more and more attention to social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram that can be powerful tools for reaching a global audience. In this way,  we engage with customers and run targeted advertising campaigns. We also started our newsletter to promote our new collections, share news and updates, and provide valuable content to our subscribers.

12. What are you planning next?

As usual we are always exploring new materials, colors, or design styles to create fresh and exciting collections. We have recently developed an important business partnership in Turkey enlarging our distribution and our plan is to continue exploring new channels and markets abroad with the aim to make Baci Milano and our Italian design more international.

Images send by Baci Milano


Mihaela Ion este manager cultural cu o experienţă de peste 17 ani în cadrul industriei creative şi culturale româneşti şi cu un doctorat în istorie. Pe lângă educaţia universitară dedicată istoriei artei, Mihaela s-a specializat în domeniul managementului cultural în Londra şi Paris prin bursele acordate acesteia, de către Fundaţia Gabriela Tudor şi Ministerul Culturii din Franţa. Este co-fondatoare a Revistei Atelierul (Asociaţia Atelierul de Creaţie) şi a proiectelor generate de această comunitate internaţională: "Creative Night Talks", "Noaptea albă a creatorilor şi designerilor de produs". Este evaluatoare independentă pentru diferiţi cofinanţatori publici. Curatoriază expoziţii în diferite galerii de artă şi spaţii de consum de artă, din România şi străinătate. Este International Board Member AICA (Asociaţia Internaţională a Criticilor de Artă) şi membră a departamentului de Digital Strategies a aceleiaşi asociaţii.


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