Ambiente 2024: The brand New Work hotspot continue...

Ambiente 2024: The brand New Work hotspot continues to expand

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With the new Working area as the perfect complement to Dining, Living and Giving, Ambiente in February 2023 was more diverse than ever before. A special Ambiente highlight was the Future of Work area, which took up the facets of the New Work meta trend and reflected the increasing merging of home and office.

For 2024, Working will continue to grow and the Office Design & Solutions range will be expanded to include further premium suppliers for smart furnishing concepts for the most diverse working worlds – whether mobile or hybrid, working from home, in the office, in co-working spaces or hotels.

Offices are increasingly becoming co-working spaces, hotels a second home with workstation options and home offices in need of a stylish and ergonomic upgrade – so the New W ork meta trend offers opportunities for many sectors from the hotel industry and contract business to creative brands for home design and personal accessories. Because the lines between living and working, functionality and lifestyle are blurring and demand flexible solutions across all sectors. To this end, Ambiente 2023 brought together the relevant players for the first time and, with the Ambiente Working section and the Future of Work highlight, launched the innovative platform for new perspectives in the field of office and contract furnishing. Interior designers, architects, office outfitters, project planners, international hotel chains and restaurants, large commercial customers and all forms of wholesalers and retailers found specialised exhibitors who presented suitable furnishing, equipment and solution concepts as well as high-quality design for corporate offices, co-working spaces and home offices.

Smart solutions that make everyday working life easier and more beautiful at the same time attracted specialised trade buyers from all over the world to the Future of Work Area at Ambiente. Photo: Messe Frankfurt/Jean-Luc Valentin.

The Future of Work Academy with its top lectures and seminars as well as the area with trend-setting concepts and curated working worlds and solutions were very popular on all five days of the fair. „W e are particularly pleased about newly acquired premium suppliers for Office Design & Solutions such as König + Neurath, Vario Büroeinrichtungen or also suppliers such as Country Living. The response to the W orking premiere was overwhelming and interest in the next show is already great,” says Yvonne Engelmann, Director Ambiente Living, Giving, Working.

Review: The new New Work hotspot inspired participants from all over the world

„The new concept with Future of W ork is fantastic. We have introduced new pieces of furniture that are specific to home offices. Many hotels are also showing interest, because they are also offering more and more co-working spaces. Nobody expected the world to change like this. The high visitor frequency in the Future of W ork area shows that it really is a topic for everyone. W e have gained new customers who were not actually looking for products like ours,” confirms Diane W endel, Managing Director Country Living.

Attending Ambiente for the first time was Matthias Kurreck, Managing Director of Vario Büroeinrichtung: „It is incredibly enjoyable to experience this international trade fair. W e are very satisfied because we were able to reach many new customers in an ideal design environment, flanked by the Future of W ork concept presentations and the Academy. Here, the focus is clearly on solution-oriented approaches and you can have wonderful conversations with interior designers and architects. The guided tours organised by the interior designers also attracted an interested audience.”

The exhibitors’ new products are also described in the Ambiente Blog and are available in the exhibitor and product search.

On the visitor side, Pia Döll, President of bdia Association of German Interior Architects, is also enthusiastic about the new offer: „The fact that Messe Frankfurt is responding to the changing world of work by creating the new focus area ‚W orking‘ is very posit ive for us. A large part of our work as interior architects is devoted to the planning and design of working spaces. Since Corona, this area, firstly, has a different status in our perception and, secondly, we have completely different requirements for our workplaces, which all have to deal with professionally. That is why I welcome this decision. I am also looking forward to the synergies created by the merger of the three fairs Ambiente, Creativeworld, and Christmasworld. This creates cross-references that are beneficial for both exhibitors and guests.“

Preview: Ambiente Working grows and offers decision-makers short distances

In future, premium suppliers of products and solutions for the classic office, co-working spaces, home offices and mobile and hybrid working will continue to find their home in an attractive interior design environment in Hall 3.1 at Ambiente in Frankfurt – accompanied by the Future of W ork area. A new addition is a promotional area for young, innovative suppliers, who can use Ambiente as a springboard for establishing international contacts.

A thirst for knowledge on the subject of New Work: On all five days of the fair, the Future of Work Academy offered a high-calibre, top-class lecture and training programme on the diverse requirements of the working worlds of tomorrow. Photo: Messe Frankfurt/Jean-Luc Valentin.

“We are setting the course for growth and want to actively promote new business contacts for our exhibitors and visitors in the future field of New W ork and put together an exciting lecture programme with our partners. To this end, we are once again combining the modern world of work with the products and services of the Ambiente Living sections, Interior Design and Contract Business, in order to strengthen synergies for all those involved through short distances”, emphasises Engelmann. At the same time, other working areas such as office supplies and technology and Remanexpo – the platform for remanufactured printer components – are growing in neighbouring halls at Ambiente. „Overall, we are pleased about a very high rebooking rate and about registered new exhibitors from the PBS brand industry, which wants to participate at full strength.”

The partners for the area and for the entire W orking area include World Architects, bdia (Federation of German Interior Designers), Prima Vier publishing house with Office Roxx, the German Stationery and Office Supplies Association and the Recycler Magazine.

Ambiente, Christmasworld and Creativeworld will continue to be held simultaneously at the Frankfurt exhibition center: Ambiente/Christmasworld: 26 to 30 January 2024, Creativeworld: 27 to 30 January 2024



Mihaela Ion este manager cultural cu o experienţă de peste 17 ani în cadrul industriei creative şi culturale româneşti şi cu un doctorat în istorie. Pe lângă educaţia universitară dedicată istoriei artei, Mihaela s-a specializat în domeniul managementului cultural în Londra şi Paris prin bursele acordate acesteia, de către Fundaţia Gabriela Tudor şi Ministerul Culturii din Franţa. Este co-fondatoare a Revistei Atelierul (Asociaţia Atelierul de Creaţie) şi a proiectelor generate de această comunitate internaţională: "Creative Night Talks", "Noaptea albă a creatorilor şi designerilor de produs". Este evaluatoare independentă pentru diferiţi cofinanţatori publici. Curatoriază expoziţii în diferite galerii de artă şi spaţii de consum de artă, din România şi străinătate. Este International Board Member AICA (Asociaţia Internaţională a Criticilor de Artă) şi membră a departamentului de Digital Strategies a aceleiaşi asociaţii.


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