Ichendorf Milano: „we understood the potenti...

Ichendorf Milano: „we understood the potential of color”

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Gabriele Corradi answered my questions regarding the brand Ichendorf MilanoI discovered the brand at Ambiente fair in February 2023, and I loved their products, hence I wanted to learn more about their creative business.

1 . Ichendorf is “a very long meticulous collaboration work between artists and designers”. What are your flagship products?

Our flagship products are the Tequila Sunrise carafes, the Cilindro Extra Light glasses, the Light series, the oil cruets, the Cactus jugs and all the collection Fantasia designed by Alessandra Baldereschi.

2. On your website you say: “The encounter and constant exchange of tradition and innovation, always aimed at the pursuit of beauty in its purest forms, gives life to all Ichendorf objects”. During your journey with Ichendorf what was your proudest moment?

First to understand the potential of borosilicate. We started with the first double-walled cruets. Then we understood the potential of color and created products such as Tequila Sunrise and finally new products with many subjects as Fantasia collection.

3. How long does it take to make a new collection? What collections are available for 2023?

It normally takes one to two years to create a new collection.

4. You work with several designers, what are the main sources for inspiration for your collections?

The inspirations come from them, the designers make many proposals. It is very important to travel on the internet and physically travel to see various cities and cultures. It’s the best part of this job.

5. We discovered your brand at an international fair. How did you find fairs experience? And the most important question: how do you prepare for an international fair?

Fairs are very important to us. They are still the meeting point for clients and colleagues. We prepare ourselves with great care. The stand must respect the philosophy of the brand. The same goes for the exhibition which must respect our philosophy.

6. How did the pandemic change the consumer appetite for designer products?

Clients during this period have been at home and have been able to appreciate all things around them. In this period many have made purchases to improve their table, or their home.

7. Our public also comprises of new creative designers. What advice can you give to someone wanting to start a creative business?

Maybe the important thing is to do things you believe in.

8. From your point of view, how should a house decorated with Ichendorf look? How about an outside party?

An outdoor party would be beautiful, full of charm. That would be very suggestive.

9. We like that you have several customization techniques, could you please tell me more about them?

These are the possibility of writing with screen printing or laser, or ad hoc decorations.

10. Where can we find the Ichendorf products?

You can find our customers on our site and on many e-commerce sites.


Mihaela Ion este manager cultural cu o experienţă de peste 17 ani în cadrul industriei creative şi culturale româneşti şi cu un doctorat în istorie. Pe lângă educaţia universitară dedicată istoriei artei, Mihaela s-a specializat în domeniul managementului cultural în Londra şi Paris prin bursele acordate acesteia, de către Fundaţia Gabriela Tudor şi Ministerul Culturii din Franţa. Este co-fondatoare a Revistei Atelierul (Asociaţia Atelierul de Creaţie) şi a proiectelor generate de această comunitate internaţională: "Creative Night Talks", "Noaptea albă a creatorilor şi designerilor de produs". Este evaluatoare independentă pentru diferiţi cofinanţatori publici. Curatoriază expoziţii în diferite galerii de artă şi spaţii de consum de artă, din România şi străinătate. Este International Board Member AICA (Asociaţia Internaţională a Criticilor de Artă) şi membră a departamentului de Digital Strategies a aceleiaşi asociaţii.


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