Venice welcomes the second edition of The Transpar...

Venice welcomes the second edition of The Transparent Breath

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The second edition of „The Transparent Breath” will be held in Venice at the historic Nani Mocenigo Palace from August 31st to September 24th on the occasion of The Venice Glass Week. The event is promoted by the Cultural Association Arte Design Venezia.

The Transparent Breath is the cultural event that celebrates the union between art, design and craftsmanship, with an emphasis on the talent and creativity of international artists who dedicate themselves to the creation of unique jewelry using glass as the main medium. This exhibition offers the public a detailed overview of the world of glass jewelry. The exhibition will host the creations of 20 selected artists from different parts of the world, each of which will bring with it a unique artistic vision and unique technical skills. The variety of expressive approaches represents a complete exploration of the possibilities that glass offers in the field of contemporary jewelry and the ornament.

Andres Bellovi-Agost Agapurni-Blown Glass-Necklace

The theme is The Transparent Breath, to evoke the lightness of the breath that shapes the glass jewelry. This action also recalls the act of giving life to matter using primordial elements such as fire, air and the ability of man. The city of Venice becomes the perfect setting to welcome these workers given the ancient glass tradition that the territory preserves. Thanks to the renewed collaboration with the prestigious Nani Mocenigo Palace, the second edition will take place in an evocative setting, enriched by the millennial history of the palace and its works of art. Visitors will have the opportunity to immerse themselves in the aesthetics of the exhibited jewels perfectly integrated with the charming atmosphere of the exhibition venue.

Szelejewska Pigulla - Deep Blue Statement Ring

Szelejewska Pigulla – Deep Blue Statement Ring

The project is part of The Venice Glass Week representing a unique opportunity to appreciate the mastery of the artists and establish direct contact with their works. Visitors can admire and buy unique art jewelry. During the event there will be organized meetings with artists and guided tours open to the public dedicated to the discovery of the creations on display.

Participating among others are: Andrés Belloví Agost-AGAPURNI, Celina Szelejewska-Pigulla, Alexandra Mező- Glassfield Design, Noriko Herron Glass + Art, Katarzyna Gemborys, Cecilia López bravo.

The project is curated by Eleonora Varotto from HOOROON in collaboration with Lisa Balasso.

Cultural Association Art and Design Venice promotes art, design and enhances the artistic heritage of Venice. It deals with art and design exhibitions and offers guided tours and different cultural activities that contribute to the creation of a national and international network among people, artists and craftsmen. Arte e Design Venezia promotes several art and design events, including Venice Design Week and participates in other design weeks throughout the year.


Mihaela Ion este manager cultural cu o experienţă de peste 17 ani în cadrul industriei creative şi culturale româneşti şi cu un doctorat în istorie. Pe lângă educaţia universitară dedicată istoriei artei, Mihaela s-a specializat în domeniul managementului cultural în Londra şi Paris prin bursele acordate acesteia, de către Fundaţia Gabriela Tudor şi Ministerul Culturii din Franţa. Este co-fondatoare a Revistei Atelierul (Asociaţia Atelierul de Creaţie) şi a proiectelor generate de această comunitate internaţională: "Creative Night Talks", "Noaptea albă a creatorilor şi designerilor de produs". Este evaluatoare independentă pentru diferiţi cofinanţatori publici. Curatoriază expoziţii în diferite galerii de artă şi spaţii de consum de artă, din România şi străinătate. Este International Board Member AICA (Asociaţia Internaţională a Criticilor de Artă) şi membră a departamentului de Digital Strategies a aceleiaşi asociaţii.


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