The Untouchable exhibition

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The Untouchable exhibition will be held at Lo Verso Art Studio in Giudecca and is organized by the Arte e Design Venezia association in collaboration with the ADmore Gallery. Curated by Ayune M. Namur, a Brazilian artist and curator who has been living in Italy for almost six years, the exhibition is represented by sixteen artists from eight different countries including: Italy, France, Sweden, Poland, Brazil, Canada, Japan and Turkey.

Through these different cultures put together it is also possible to make a connection with the theme of this year’s Art Biennale: Foreigners Everywhere. The exhibition is a journey between different points of view and understanding of the Untouchable theme, the artists, through varied techniques and artistic languages, represent internal „landscapes” with particular intensity, which invite us to reflect on ourselves and on the sense of extraneousness compared to our intimacy. The theme of the exhibition is therefore open and the question also addressed to the public: what is Untouchable for you?

The concept of untouchable can be understood in a physical sense, but it can also be understood in the emotional, creative, cultural, rational or irrational sense, such as a feeling, a memory, a relationship, a story, time, space, movement, nature, our inner strength, the air, the light, the sun, the sound, the heartbeat, the energy of life and much more. There are many elements that for each of us can be untouchable in terms of their importance! Just as they can be untouchable in the sense of their distance… it depends on how you see or feel what is untouchable. The photographs, engravings, paintings and sculptures of artists from seven different countries with completely different cultures will tell the public a little about the history and poetry of each artist, inviting to enter their world and thus, can make them reflect on their own ” inner world” and even on our “collective world”. And at the end of the end the question also remains for the public: what is untouchable for you?

The inauguration will be held on August 3rd from 5pm to 7pm, at Lo Verso Art Studio, in Giudecca. Entrance is free and the exhibition will remain open until September 1st.

Selected artists: Alberto Lo Verso, Aleksandra Kujawska, Anna Miranda, Ayfer Isik, Fernanda Volkmann, Genesio Pistidda, Inna Etuvgi, Kenan K, Kenjiro Asaki, Laura Lo Verso, Marie Dubreuil, Patrick Smith, Pietro Coppi, Sofia Colucci, Teresa Bellini, Thiago Arléo.

G A L L E R I A ADmore e Lo Verso Art Studio
Giudecca 597 – Venice
Stop vaporetto Palanca
03/08/2024 – 01/09/2024
11am to 1pm // 2pm to 6pm
from Tuesday to Saturday, free admission

Photo: Self reflection art photograph of dewdrop on grass by Inna Etuvgi, photograph detail


Mihaela Ion este manager cultural cu o experienţă de peste 17 ani în cadrul industriei creative şi culturale româneşti şi cu un doctorat în istorie. Pe lângă educaţia universitară dedicată istoriei artei, Mihaela s-a specializat în domeniul managementului cultural în Londra şi Paris prin bursele acordate acesteia, de către Fundaţia Gabriela Tudor şi Ministerul Culturii din Franţa. Este co-fondatoare a Revistei Atelierul (Asociaţia Atelierul de Creaţie) şi a proiectelor generate de această comunitate internaţională: "Creative Night Talks", "Noaptea albă a creatorilor şi designerilor de produs". Este evaluatoare independentă pentru diferiţi cofinanţatori publici. Curatoriază expoziţii în diferite galerii de artă şi spaţii de consum de artă, din România şi străinătate. Este International Board Member AICA (Asociaţia Internaţională a Criticilor de Artă) şi membră a departamentului de Digital Strategies a aceleiaşi asociaţii.


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