For a shopping experience with wow factor: Decorat...

For a shopping experience with wow factor: Decoration Unlimited 2025

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A striking decoration at the point of sale transforms shopping into an emotional experience. From 07 to 11 February, Decoration Unlimited – the special presentation at Christmasworld – will once again offer the opportunity to experience new creative ideas for an individual customer approach. This year, Decoration Unlimited will inspire trade fair visitors in the foyer of halls 5.1 and 6.1 not only with the motto Precious Moments but also through soft nuances, romance and glamour.

Gold, silver and a touch of lilac characterise the mood board of 2dezign, the design experts from the Netherlands, who create the annual blockbuster presentation at Christmasworld. The success of Decoration Unlimited lies in the enormous importance of festive and seasonal decoration in visual merchandising at the POS. Striking decoration creates a surprising wow effect and a gateway to another world. With a completely unexpected presentation, retailers are opening their customers’ eyes to exciting new products and encouraging direct purchases. Shopping becomes an experience. Decoration Unlimited shows how.

Precious Moments is the motto of Decoration Unlimited 2025. Rudi Tuinman and Pascal Koeleman from 2dezign combine numerous exhibitor products into an emotional work of art – in the upcoming edition with a focus on seasonal decoration that can be used all year round. The special presentation will be characterised by rounded shapes, gentle nuances, romance, and glamour. Circular stand spaces will create islands of inspiration and underline this approach. In addition to flowers and plants, the designers use other design elements from nature, such as butterflies. Trade visitors can look forward to another highlight: printed fabrics as large-scale atmosphere creators. The colour palette underlines the mix of romance and glamour. The base of the show is kept in neutral beige tones, delicate pastel shades in combination with winter white and champagne. The accent colour is a hint of lilac and the right amount of Christmas is provided by gold and silver tones.

The designers will be available to answer questions from trade visitors in person throughout the fair.

Ambiente, Christmasworld and Creativeworld will continue to take place at the same time at the Frankfurt exhibition centre. However, they will be moved to the beginning of February to ensure that the trade fair dates are harmonised.

  • Christmasworld/Ambiente: 07 to 11 February 2025
  • NEW: Creativeworld: 07 to 10 February 2025



Mihaela Ion este manager cultural cu o experienţă de peste 17 ani în cadrul industriei creative şi culturale româneşti şi cu un doctorat în istorie. Pe lângă educaţia universitară dedicată istoriei artei, Mihaela s-a specializat în domeniul managementului cultural în Londra şi Paris prin bursele acordate acesteia, de către Fundaţia Gabriela Tudor şi Ministerul Culturii din Franţa. Este co-fondatoare a Revistei Atelierul (Asociaţia Atelierul de Creaţie) şi a proiectelor generate de această comunitate internaţională: "Creative Night Talks", "Noaptea albă a creatorilor şi designerilor de produs". Este evaluatoare independentă pentru diferiţi cofinanţatori publici. Curatoriază expoziţii în diferite galerii de artă şi spaţii de consum de artă, din România şi străinătate. Este International Board Member AICA (Asociaţia Internaţională a Criticilor de Artă) şi membră a departamentului de Digital Strategies a aceleiaşi asociaţii.


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