Olga Kovtun is an Ukrainian artist living in Kyiv, Ukraine. She had been interested in fine arts almost since childhood, and this interest first led her...
Janet Pulcho (full name Zhanna Pulcho; May 8, 1997) is a Ukrainian artist from Odessa and known for her huge watercolour paintings. The main theme...
We love the new Artistar project, Milano Jewelry Week and we wanted to find out details about the event directly from the creators. Enzo Carbone...
Helsinki Design Week is about to start, and before that we wanted to find out more about the creative project from HDW Founder and CEO...
Ruby Robin is the name under which some of the most magical little pieces of jewellery are being created. Khrystyna, the artist behind it, encapsulates...
I met Esther on a hot afternoon of May. Yes, the summer is generous this year in the Netherlands. We discovered we had exactly the...
Beart Ceramics nu este un brand care produce obiecte strict de utilitate casnică, ci creează obiecte care îți mângâie și ochiul și mâna dar și...
Într-o lume a producției în masă lucrurile realizate manual nu au fost niciodată mai importante. Fie că e un obiect prețios sau nu și indiferent...
Lumea în care trăiesc păpușile lui Julien Martinez este una plină de mister și fantezie. Realitatea distorsionată intrigă și te face să vrei să descoperi...
Inorog is a 100% Romanian brand, created by Mihai and Teodora, who were trying to replace their nephew’s disintegrated toy bunny. It sounds like a story as beautiful...
I think by now, there is no surprise for anyone that I love polymer clay. As an artist in this field I grew-up reading and...
„Painted buzzing bees, embroidered flowers, hand drawn animals and characters make up the world of Hen’s Teeth Art. Telling tiny tales in textiles.” I’ve discovered Hen’s...