Personal exchange is currently more important than ever. Because the still challenging economic and political conditions, the accelerated change in social values and advancing digitalisation...
The creative year 2023 will be far-sighted, spontaneous, carefree and above all colourful! The growing awareness that sustainability permeates all areas of daily life has...
Ambiente Trends 23+ offers an overview of new products from the entire consumer goods sector – new in 2023 are the trends for New Work...
The Heimtextil Trend Preview 23/24 presented future-oriented design concepts and inspiration for the textile furnishing sector. Under the motto ‘Textiles Matter’, Heimtextil 2023 sets the...
Zilele trecute am participat la conferinţa de presă a târgului internaţional Light + Building 22 + 23, târg care va avea loc între 2 –...
Având în vedere înrăutățirea exponențială a situației pandemică, la nivel mondial și şi luând în considerare regulile mai stricte pentru călătoriile internaţionale, târgurile de bunuri...
Mulţumim că aţi urmărit activitatea noastră în 2021. Datorită vouă devenim mai buni şi continuăm activitatea de 12 ani. 2021 a fost un an plin...
Due to the developments of the global pandemic Ambiente 2021 was cancelled last September and the International Consumer Goods Show this week. How buyers and...
As the first digital B2B marketplace in the home and living business, Nextrade is celebrating its first order anniversary: Since November 2019, the platform is...
Lockdown, new start, looking ahead: Ambiente 2020 which took place in February was the last international consumer goods fair to be held. After a year...
Around 1,500 exhibitors from 60 countries have already registered for Paperworld in Frankfurt am Main. They will be presenting a wide range of products in...
O noapte pe an nu mai e nici pentru somn, nici pentru concerte și nici pentru ieșiri cu prietenii. O noapte pe an, se întâmplă...